World’s Cutest Human // Logan Utah Child Photographer

My little man turned 8. I can’t believe it. It seems like just a minute ago he was my toddler sidekick hanging out with me all day while his big sis was at school. He’s growing up too fast. He loves all things creative. He’s a great singer and an excellent dancer. You should see his Just Dance moves! He is hilarious and kind and tells me often that I’m the best lady in the whole world.


This last year he’s taken up tennis and loves that, too. We’ve tried all different kinds of spots, but tennis is the only one he likes. I’m okay with that. He’s in the Portuguese program at school. It’s so fun to hear him speak in Portuguese.

I call him the World’s Cutest Human. I mean – look at him! His big blue eyes melt me everyday. His hair is pretty famous. He’s had a full set of hair since he was about 1 year old. It’s so thick and lush. I don’t know what I’ll do if he ever wants to cut it short.

We wanted to document his upcoming baptism. The temple grounds were so pretty even though it was a summer of drought.

Love you so much, buddy!

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