Cari messaged me to squeeze in a quick session before her son left for an LDS mission. She wanted a location full of fall color. I knew just the spot! We met up in the mountains at a location full of trees.
It was so nice getting to know each of the Merrill Family and learning where they came from and where they are headed.
As a mom, I know how great it feels to have all your kids gathered in one spot. I was so happy we got to capture pictures of that for Cari.
Two of Brian and Cari’s kids are married. It was so nice to see how the sister-in-laws were treated by the family. On a couple of separate occasions, the girls mentioned how happy they were to now have more sisters.
The siblings were silly and goofy and joked around with each other like they were little kids.
It was such a fun session.
Thanks, Merrill Family!