Bertoldo Family // Logan Utah Family Photographer

I got to hang out with the Bertoldo Crew again! I see Lauren quite often at the gym, and the kiddos every once in awhile, but when they’re all together it’s a party. Dr. Bertoldo just opened his a new clinic in Cache Valley called Women’s Health & Aesthetics. They offer all sorts of service for women from OBGYN care to massages, and facials. What a great service for us women! They’ll be doing a giveaway soon that I’m excited to join in on. Give their page a follow on Instagram so you don’t miss it. In between the business of opening a new clinic, Nate and Lauren are wrangling their crazy crew.

The Bertoldo kids are so funny! We’ve got a teenager who would rather be anywhere else, right down to a 5 year old who’d rather be anywhere else. We joke around, have fun, and get a few pictures in between.

Moms always feel frazzled at a photo session – always. It’s just part of the process. At almost every photo shoot, the mom says something along the lines of I hope we got at least one…I really hope one of them work out. I always giggle to myself. I got you guys! What feels like craziness to the mom doesn’t faze me. They’re not my kids;)

Lauren texted me after I sent her gallery with a simple, “I freaking love you!”. That’s what every photographer loves to hear. I get that family pictures are a stressful process and I’m so happy when they’re happy with the final product.

Thanks a bunch, Bertoldo Family!

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