Does anyone else feel like February is the month that never ends? I can’t even tell you how happy I am that it is March. I am not a lover of winter, and by March I am so ready for the warm sunshine, walks outside, riding bikes, and swimming in the pool. I’m ready to kiss winter goodbye!We are building a new house. In the meantime, the six of us are cozy in a condo! Sometimes we really have to put our heads together…
…and get a little creative when it comes to getting the wiggles out. We play in our fort, read books, play dolls, test out new rain boots, play in the snow just a little……and visit our new house.
We play with toys, color, watch a little T.V., play indoor hopscotch, and have dance parties making sure to perfect the floss!
It may not be anything too exciting, but sometimes that makes for the best memories anyway.