The twinsies turned two. And let me tell you, they are cute. They are adorable. They are wild. They are crazy! There is never a dull moment.
They are starting to talk quite a bit, but still communicate with each other in their own special language. When I law them down for naps or at night, I can hear them chattering away with each other for the longest time. Sometimes I can make out the words they are saying, but most of their conversation is unbeknownst to me!
I wanted to be sure to get pictures of them when they turned two, but knew it would be a challenge. This was actually our second attempt. With a mom as a photographer, they get really sick of having a camera in their face all they time. They really wanted nothing to do with it. So we headed to the studio at our house, turned on Baby Shark, and convinced them that we were just having a dance party. That’s when they really let loose.
They love to sing. They love to dance. They really love each other!
Now wish us luck that we all make it to three without going insane!